This is actually not about all millennials, just the Socialist-minded millennials.
I see their angry posts, online. They are mad at anything not left leaning. Why? What drives their anger?
I saw an interview, recently, and the key speaker talked about this. His take was that the generation was brought up by parents that coddled their children. Protected them from anything that could possibly hurt them. Bicycles, being outside name it. Heck, I get it! The world of the 90's was far more dangerous than the 70's and 80's. It is even worse now. However, all of that protection meant that they didn't learn to fend for themselves. Mommy handled that.
He went on to talk about how parents always told their children that they were special and the greatest. Participation awards. Calling teachers and threatening them if their children didn't get A's and B's. They didn't have to work hard to succeed. Then, they are sent to college. Then the working world. Suddenly, they aren't automatically "special". They are just another human. They freak out a bit. Again, not all...but a percentage. Some break out and all is good. Too many do not. So they get angry at the world. They lash out. They want the same handouts they were brought up on.
The Socialist movement makes perfect sense and I completely see why they are drawn to it. Politicians picked up on this. It was easy for them to shift their rhetoric and start making speeches about free college, universal healthcare and so on.
What frustrates me most is how easily so many are influenced by the angry and divisive media. This draws this demographic like I have never seen. Why does this hateful, in your face attitude attract them? Ideology over logic. Feelings over facts. The Social Justice Warrior push is brilliant. They love it!
For the past 2+ years, I have spent time on social media battling against all of this. I have pushed history, economics and common sense. There is no chance of shifting their perception. They name call, insult and label people like me "fascist" or even "racist". They refuse to believe that people can work hard and succeed. They are convinced that the successful people must be punished and hand over their earnings to give to anyone below the middle class income line.
There are the observations. What does the future bring? The economy is booming. Jobs are everywhere for everyone. Wages are rising. Still, they are angry. I just cannot figure out why.
Someone told me that I need to remember that for the 20 somethings, that Obama is the President that they grew up knowing. They didn't experience Bush, Bush and Reagan like I did. They grew up with a high regulation, bow to thine enemies, America second type of leadership. Today, they see President Trump as a monster for wanting America to be first. They are all about political correctness, Government entitlements and a single world order where Capitalism is evil and Socialism is Utopia. They refuse to research anything the media tells them. Instead, they suck it all in and accept the leftist spin as fact while perceiving anything opposing it as evil.
I have to hand it to the mainstream media. They have a massive stronghold on the young adults in addition to the liberal elites. How Trump won in 2016 is amazing, but is it? The media predicted Hillary to a landslide. They predicted a "blue wave" in 2018. Neither happened. Is there truly a silent majority that votes and believes in Capitalism, lower taxes and personal responsibility? I submit that there is! Can it build momentum and move the needle to the right come 2020?
We shall see.